“The purest, most idealistic, truthful and honest love story one can ever live without the slightest sense of regret is that of loving nature.” —unknown
It takes time to get to know someone or something–at first things may not seem comfortable or the wrong words may be said or mistakes can be made. Doubts swim into our consciousness. But something draws us forward. And as we move forward and learn more about ourselves and the other, we begin to care–really, truly care. With time and caring, with respect and experience, with trust and observation, we begin to love.
I was very young when I first cared about nature–being outside and being around animals was an integral part of my life. I cared about the chickens and their miraculous eggs, even as I watchfully kept my distance from the scary rooster. I liked playing in the sandbox under the trees, walking under the wispy Weeping Willow branches, and sitting on the warm back of the gentle Holstein cow as my Dad milked. Later I fell in love with horses and worked hard cleaning out stalls at our neighbor’s barn so I could buy a horse of my own. I cared for that special horse for another twenty years until he died.
We care about people and things as we learn and spend time with them. Our feelings deepen and expand as we love the things we care about. And with that love comes responsibility to care for the people and things we love. Time. Caring. Love. Responsibility. Time, Caring, Love, Responsibility, and on and on it goes. I care about my family and Nature. I love my family and Nature. I care for my family and Nature, and in turn, desire to spend more time with them. On this Valentine’s Day, what kind of love story are you living?