Our very being, essence, health and happiness depend on Mother Earth. –David Suzuki
Where and how do we begin? What is our essence? To whom do we owe our health and happiness? Yikes! These are deep questions! On this Mother’s Day, there is no need to overwhelm ourselves with an endless pool of existential inquiry, but maybe we should at least dip our toes in. Only some of us are mothers, but all of us came from mothers. We all know at least half of the equation. We were all mothered in one way or another—the judgement of how that turned out is only for each one of us to determine in the journey of our lives. Of course, that journey changes if and when we become mothers (and fathers) ourselves and when we lose those that brought forth our life. And so it goes…
The essence of life is Springing forth. The change that happens in one week’s time is mind-boggling and mind-humbling—we are dealing with a force so much bigger than ourselves. The greening of the grass seems simple compared to perennials pushing up and unfolding from the earth and dormant trees exploding with flowers and new leaves. We really are fortunate to witness such miracles, do you know? Look at the fresh flowers and tender leaves of these two types of Maple trees:
Blue Jay mates were foraging for food this week, vocalizing their pleasure of Spring mating and nest-building.
Linden leaves began the filling-out process of changing the trees’ skeletal silhouettes to geometrical shapes.
The Rabbits were in a frenzy one early morning, darting here and there, perhaps for no other reason than Spring is finally here!
Tiny new Wild Strawberry flowers opened up as the only-days-old Magnolia flowers wilted, browned, and fell—a miniature birth and death cycle that leads to the next step in the biological process—the formation of fruits and seeds.
Two surprises showed up this week that had me rushing for the camera—it’s exciting to see something that one has never seen before! We have had many types of woodpeckers frequent the feeders, but I had never seen a flashy Red-headed Woodpecker until this week.
Another morning flash of color attracted my attention—a Red-breasted Grosbeak.
Mayapples, Epimedium, and Lily-of-the-Valley arose, appeared, and unrolled from the earth, from where there was nothing visible before.
Standing at the kitchen sink, looking out the window, I see the ‘Prairie Fire’ Crabapple has a white cloud of Wild Plum blossoms surrounding its dark burgundy leaves and flower buds.
Spring marks the beginning of a full cycle of emergence, growth, development, seed formation, offspring, transformation, decline, and death. It’s the new time, an exciting time, a time that makes one frenetic with energy for no good reason other than Winter is over and Spring is here! Mother Earth’s pregnant potential showcases beginnings and alludes to the essence of Life. She provides sunshine and vitamin D for our health and brings us smiling happiness and wonder. In the midst of all of this, there is each one of us and our half of the equation. Our being, where once there was nothing, was brought forth by an egg and a sperm, was developed in the nourishing cloud of a womb, emerged into this mind-boggling, mind-humbling world, and then developed and filled out into the shape of our essence. We are mothered by mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, grandmas, grandpas, friends, teachers, mentors, and others—we deserve to be cared for, respected, listened to, and loved and to give those things in return. If we determine that we have fallen short of that, we must remember that we are dealing with a force that is so much bigger than us—the God-force of Life itself, where all things are possible. As we live into our half of the equation, let us give thanks for all the caring Mothers in our lives. We really are fortunate to be such miracles.